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Archangel's Shadows & Bonus Extras!

Welcome to the newsletter! To read this newsletter in your browser, click this link. I'm excited to announce that Archangel's Shadows is now out in

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Out Now (USA/Canada)

Welcome to the newsletter!

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I'm excited to announce that Archangel's Shadows is now out in North America! I had so much fun spending time with Ashwini and Janvier and the New York gang, and I hope you do too.

International readers - not long to go! To make the wait go by a little faster, I've included a free Guild Hunter short story in this newsletter.

Also included in this newsletter:

a fun new memo from the Gentleman of Rock
details of my upcoming events in Auckland and Melbourne
the blurb for Shards of Hope, my next Psy-Changeling release
and info about the upcoming cover reveal for Shards of Hope.

Happy reading!

iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, Nook
Amazon, B&N, BookDepo, B-A-M, Chapters, IndBnd, Penguin, Powells

International (November 6th)
iBooks, Kindle, Kobo
A&R, Amazon.UK, Bktpia, BookDepo, FshPnd, Waterstones

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Upcoming Events

Auckland Event: Author Chat and Signing

I will be doing a chat and book signing at Remuera Library in Auckland at 6:30pm, Wednesday 5th November, 2014.

There will be a $5 charge to support the library. It'll include light refreshments.

Please RSVP to Hilary Arrowsmith: Hilary.Arrowsmith@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

As always, I'm happy to sign books you bring from home, too. :)

Melbourne, Australia Event: ARRA Author Chat and Book Signing (with Maya Banks)

I will also be doing a chat and book signing with Maya Banks at Dymocks Melbourne on Tuesday 25th November.

The Author chat (6-7pm) is by invitation only. To go in the draw for a ticket, click here.

The book signing will be open to the public and starts at 7pm.

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November 25th (Worldwide)

Night Shift Out Soon!

Snorting, Vera jerked her head at Kirby. "This is Bastien. Don't let him charm you - next thing you know, you'll be naked."

~ From "Secrets at Midnight" (Full excerpt to go up November 11th)

Four masters of urban fantasy and paranormal romance plunge readers into the dangerous, captivating world unearthed beyond the dark...

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh delivers a smoldering story with Secrets at Midnight, as the scent of Bastien Smith's elusive lover ignites a possessiveness in him that's as feral as it is ecstatic. And now that he's found his mate, he'll do anything to keep her.

In #1 New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews' novella, Magic Steals, when people start going missing, shapeshifting tigress Dali Harimau and jaguar shifter Jim Shrapshire must uncover the truth about the mysterious creatures responsible.

From Milla Vane—a warrior princess must tame The Beast of Blackmoor to earn a place among her people. But she quickly discovers that the beast isn't a monster, but a barbarian warrior who intends to do some taming himself.

It's seer Makenna Frazier's first day on the job at Supernatural Protection and Investigations, and her first assignment is more than she bargained for when bodyguard duty for a leprechaun prince's bachelor party goes every which way but right in national bestselling author Lisa Shearin's Lucky Charms.

Pre-Order links
E-Book: Ibook, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Penguin
Paperback: Amazon, B-A-M, B&N, BookDepo, Chapters, IndBnd, Powells

Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) Contest
The Night Shift ARC contest will be posted on the blog next week, so make sure to drop by then to find out how to enter.

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Character Interviews: Lucas, Raphael, & Fox

The SubClub Books held a Nalini Singh author day this September and they featured interviews with Lucas Hunter, Zachary Fox, and Raphael.

There's also a fun post with 5 Facts About Molly, so check it out. :-)

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Exclusive Extra: Rock Courtship Memo

As thanks to all of you for supporting the release of my new series, I decided to write some fun extra material. I hope you enjoy. :-)

This memo was sent by David to Thea during the tour, so it would fit into the second half of Rock Courtship.

Reasons Why I Should Not Have to Appear on the next episode of MZ Talk

In which I, David Rivera, lay out all the excellent reasons why I should never have to suffer the torture that is MZ Talk's "magazine style" television format ever again.

First of all, the host of MZ Talk has the hots for Noah. Send him, tell him to take his shirt off and everyone will be Googling Schoolboy Choir before you know it. I, meanwhile, will inevitably disappoint with my non-shirt-taking-off ways, leaving us in MZ Talk's bad books forevermore. (I never thought I'd ever use the word forevermore, but I'm starting to like it).

Secondly, I am currently on a grueling (GRUELING) national tour. The trauma of trying to keep my head from exploding during the host's execrable (looked that one up in the dictionary), attempts at humor may leave me too traumatized to perform. Imagine all the pissed-off fans if the drummer decides not to turn up to gigs.

Thirdly, I have far better uses of my time and energy. If you cancel the MZ Talk date, we can have thirty-six uninterrupted hours all to ourselves. Imagine that, Thea. Thirty-six hours for me to learn every tiny pulse point on your body. Thirty-six hours for me to eat you up like candy. Thirty-six hours for me to try out my sex-in-a-tour-bus fantasy scenarios with you. I say scenarios because when it comes to you, I never just have a single fantasy.

You know my favorite fantasy in this particular collection? Slow dancing with you in the living area, just the two of us in our bare feet, you wearing my shirt like you sometimes do, me in my jeans (though if you prefer a suit, I'm game). Your hair ripples down your back in this fantasy, and maybe I sneak a kiss or seven, but mostly, we dance. Dance with me?

In conclusion: I believe I have proven that sending me to be a guest on MZ Talk would not only be a futile maneuver in terms of promotional activities, it would also sap energies I could put to far, far better use. For the love of all that's holy, cancel that appearance.

© Copyright 2014 by Nalini Singh

Wondering about Thea's reply to this memo? It'll be in next month's newsletter!

Want to know more about David and Thea? Click here

Cover Coming Soon

Shards of Hope (out June 2015)

The "smoldering heat, epic romance, and awesome action"* of Nalini Singh's New York Times bestselling series continues as two Arrows find themselves caught in a chilling conspiracy that spans all three races…

Awakening wounded in a darkened cell, their psychic abilities blocked, Aden and Zaira know they must escape. But when the lethal soldiers break free from their mysterious prison, they find themselves in a harsh, inhospitable landscape far from civilization. Their only hope for survival is to make it to the hidden home of a predatory changeling pack that doesn't welcome outsiders.

And they must survive. A shadowy enemy has put a target on the back of the Arrow squad, an enemy that cannot be permitted to succeed in its deadly campaign. Aden will cross any line to keep his people safe for this new future, where even an assassin might have hope of a life beyond blood and death and pain. Zaira has no such hope. She knows she's too damaged to return from the abyss. Her driving goal is to protect Aden, protect the only person who has ever come back for her no matter what.

This time, even Aden's passionate determination may not be enough—because the emotionless chill of Silence existed for a reason. For the violent, and the insane, and the irreparably broken…like Zaira.

*Jaci Burton, New York Times bestselling author

COVER REVEAL: The gorgeous gorgeous cover will be posted online on Thursday 30th October at 8am EST. For those of you in other time zones, EST, is New York time. Please swing by the blog to see the cover! I'll also post it on my Facebook page, Twitter, & Tumblr.

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Exclusive Extra: Free Guild Hunter Short Story

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Also, as always, please don't copy and paste this online. If you'd like to share it with friends, you can easily forward it using the "Forward to a Friend" link in the footer, or by using the Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest buttons at the top. Thanks!

A Sip of Eternity

Author's Note: This short story began life as a scene in an early draft of Archangel's Shadows. It focuses on Dmitri & Honor, so there are no spoilers for the Archangel's Shadows storyline (however, if you haven't yet read Archangel's Blade (Honor and Dmitri's story), then save this to read later). I hope you enjoy!

A Sip of Eternity

Nalini Singh

After Janvier left, shutting the door behind himself, Honor turned into Dmitri's arms, her eyes on his face. Though he was handling a grim incident, he didn't look strained or stressed. "You like the challenge, don't you?" she said.

"Eternity is a long time to be bored." Warmth in his eyes, he tipped up her chin with a finger under her jaw. "That, however, is no longer an issue."

Honor went to joke about him getting tired of her, but something made her stop. Perhaps it was the knowledge that the wound was still fresh. He'd lived a thousand years without her, and he had loved her through all of it. Rising on tiptoe, she claimed his lips, the kiss a luscious pleasure, the taste of him making her heart beat.

Hand curved around her throat, he nipped very lightly at her lower lip with his fangs.

Honor sucked in a breath.

"You need to feed," he murmured, and nudged her toward his neck and the open collar of his white shirt.

"So do you." She slipped another button out of its hole, luxuriated in the dark tan glow of his skin. "You are so beautiful."

He wove his hand through her hair and drew her closer to the living beat of his pulse. "I don't need to feed as often as you." It was a purr against the side of her face.

Nipples tight, and skin hot, Honor rose on her toes and sucked the skin over his pulse. He shuddered, his fingers tightening on her skull. "Orange juice."

She laughed softly. That was what he'd said the first time he'd coaxed her to feed after she woke as a vampire. She'd needed to do it, felt the pounding, erotic urge, but she'd hesitated. He'd told her it felt just like drinking orange juice. She'd laughed then, too, her nerves easing. And then she'd tasted him, the shock of ecstasy a hit to her system that had almost thrown her into unconsciousness.

"Wow," she'd whispered when she could speak again. "Is it always like this?"

"It will be for you." It had been a darkly sensual promise.

Honor had come to realize that he was so potent for two reasons. The first was that she loved him until she couldn't breathe. The second was that he was a thousand years old and powerful with it. Even now, she only needed a sip to give her enough energy to last the entire day. Sometimes, she took more, but it left her a little drunk.

Piercing his skin, she took her sip, felt her head spin and her cells jumpstart, then forced herself to stop. "I want to drink," she complained as she licked over the mark. He didn't really need it, was more than strong enough that the fang bite would've closed over in a single minute or less, but she liked giving him that small pleasure to erase the erotic hurt. "I want to gulp you down."

Hard as rock, he pressed against her. "It'll take time," he said, his voice rough. "The older you get, the more you'll be able to drink without the power going to your head."

Time, in the immortal sense, Honor had learned, didn't mean years. It could be decades or centuries. "What a tough life I have," she said, kissing his throat and the dip formed by his collarbones. "Sipping on you for eternity." Another kiss, a suck of that sensitive spot above the pulse in his neck, her fingers brushing his neck.

Groaning, he lifted her up and put her on the desk, moving to stand between her legs. "I think a certain hunter is trying to seduce her husband." He dropped his head to her throat and nipped sharply.

She hissed out a breath and gripped at his hair, but he didn't sink his fangs into her. Dmitri was very careful with how much he allowed himself to take from her—young as she was, her body couldn't replenish all of what he needed. Since she hated the idea of him feeding from anyone else, and he didn't have any inclination to touch another as intimately, they had bottled blood in the fridge upstairs.

Curious, she'd tried it once, realized exactly how delicious Dmitri was; the bottled stuff was serviceable but flat. "Taste me," she coaxed. "You haven't for two days." Stroking his hair, she ran her hands down over his shoulders and chest. "Or maybe we can work out the tension another way."

He gripped her wrists right before she would've reached her goal. "I have a meeting with Raphael in fifteen minutes."

Waggling her eyebrows, she grinned. "Race you to the finish line."

It was fast and hot and wild and it wrecked her. "You're lethal," she whispered, lying on her back on his desk, his papers and pens scattered on the carpet.

Pressing a kiss to her bare abdomen, her shirt gaping on either side of her, her dangerously sexy husband rose and zipped up his pants. God, the sound of metal against metal. It made her toes curl. He had himself set to rights in about thirty seconds, while she lay there hotly ruined.

When he sat down in his chair and pulled her forward, she blushed, suddenly aware of how exposed she was to him. There was nothing she wouldn't do with him, but sometimes, his carnality still sent a flush through her. Now, she held her breath as he rubbed his jaw against her thigh and finally gave in to his own blood hunger.

But not before he looked up, held her eyes, said, "It was always you. It will always be you."

Her chest squeezed, her eyes burned, and her heart fell once more into the hands of the beautiful, deadly, and violently loyal man who was her eternity.

© Copyright 2014 by Nalini Singh

If you enjoyed this deleted scene and haven't yet read Archangel's Blade, you can find an excerpt here.

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Kiss of Snow (France) Octobre 24th

Next Newsletter

The next newsletter will be out November 25th, to coincide with the release of Night Shift.

Until then, take care and happy reading. :-)


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