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September Release from Nalini

Welcome to the August newsletter This month, I have some news that I'm super excited to share with you all. I'm going to have a brand spanking new bo

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September 2014

Welcome to the August newsletter

This month, I have some news that I'm super excited to share with you all. I'm going to have a brand spanking new book out on September 9th (only five more weeks to go!).

This is something very different from me - a sexy contemporary featuring a rock star hero.

More details below, including the blurb!

Also in this newsletter:

Information about a signing I'll be doing on August 16th in Auckland, New Zealand
The gorgeous international cover of Archangel's Shadows
And a sweet Psy-Changeling short story.

Technical note: This is a long newsletter, so some email programs may clip it, making it appear it ends in the middle of a sentence. If that happens, click this link and you'll be able to read it without problems in your browser.

Happy reading!

Medium Rock Addiction Quote 8v2

Rock Addiction

It feels like I've been waiting forever to release this news! I'm so happy that I can now share it.

As I said in my blog post announcing this book, I wrote Rock Addiction during my "vacation". Then I kind of started work on another rock star story in my spare time. Because I am a book nerd who loves to write. ;-)

This won't affect my release schedule for either the Guild Hunter or the Psy-Changeling series, so you can enjoy it guilt-free!

Rock Addiction will be available in ebook and in print.


The ebook of Rock Addiction will be specially priced for release week. Please make a note in your diaries to check in on the blog or the website during the week of September 9th, to ensure you don't miss the special. I'll also send out a newsletter once all the retailer links are live. :-)

Here's the blurb!

September 2014

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh stuns with a sizzling contemporary romance…

A bad boy wrapped in a sexy, muscled, grown-up package might be worth a little risk…

Molly Webster has always followed the rules. After an ugly scandal tore apart her childhood and made her the focus of the media's harsh spotlight, she vowed to live an ordinary life. No fame. No impropriety. No pain. Then she meets Zachary Fox, a tattooed bad boy rocker with a voice like whiskey and sin, and a touch that could become an addiction.

A one-night stand with the hottest rock star on the planet, that's all it was meant to be…

Fox promises scorching heat and dangerous pleasure, coaxing Molly to extend their one-night stand into a one-month fling. After that, he'll be gone forever, his life never again intersecting with her own. Sex and sin and sensual indulgence, all with an expiration date. No ties, no regrets. Too late, Molly realizes it isn't only her body that's become addicted to Fox, but her heart…


The cover reveal is scheduled for August 15th.

The website will be updated soon to include a page for Rock Addiction. It'll be linked from the front page, and it'll have all ongoing information about the book, such as where and when you can read excerpts, and see the cover.

I'll be releasing plenty of excerpts, so you can decide whether or not you want to come on this new journey with me. (I hope you will!)

Give us another week or so to get the page up (my website person is currently traveling :)). Until then, I'll continue to post all news on the blog.


If you'd like to request a review copy, or would like to join the blog tour for this book, check out the bottom half of this blog post.

EARLY REVIEWS from readers who enjoy the Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter books

"Wow. I honestly didn't think I could love Nalini's stories any more than I already do but Fox is like Hawke and Judd and Dmitri rolled into a twenty something rock star. I can guarantee I will be reading this story again and again." - Heather Lire on Goodreads

"…it's amazing. Fox is everything you'd expect from Nalini Singh. An alpha rock star with a sexy lip ring and whiskey voice. Jealous, possessive, sexy on a stick… and surprisingly sweet and tender." - Holly from Book Binge

"Nalini Singh knows how to write super hot alpha males! I have read every paranormal romance book she has written and if you are a fan like I am, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." - Angela on Goodreads

"I am loving Fox from Nalini Singh's Rock Addiction! Seriously hot Alpha male! ...Gotta mention Molly, too! Love how brave and strong she is! She's a wonderful heroine. :)" - Rachel Elizabeth on Twitter

Sehnsucht des Augenblicks - Copy

Short Stories/Deleted Scenes (German translation) - October 2014

Auckland Meet & Greet: 16th August

I will be doing a book signing event at the Romance Writers of New Zealand Conference on the 16th of August, from 5-6pm, at the Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre, Mt. Wellington, Auckland.

This signing will be open to the public and is totally free to attend.

There will be no books for sale at this event, but you are more than welcome to bring along your books from home for me (and the other attending authors) to sign, and/or to take photos and chat with us.

For more information, click here.

I look forward to seeing some of you there!

UK Archangel s Shadows - Copy

Archangel's Shadows - International Cover


Exclusive Extra: Free Psy-Changeling Short Story

Technical note: Some email programs may clip this newsletter, making it appear it ends in the middle of a sentence. If that happens, click this link and you'll be able to read it without problems in your browser.

Also, as always, since this a newsletter exclusive, please don't copy and paste this online. If you'd like to share it with friends, you can easily forward it using the "Forward to a Friend" link in the footer, or by using the Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest buttons at the top. Thanks!

Author's Note

This small vignette slots in during the peaceful lull after Kiss of Snow, soon after Naya's birth, and while Lucas and Sascha are still living in the cabin below their aerie.

It's a fun and sweet glimpse into the lives of the characters in a quiet moment in the midst of the often chaotic and staggering changes currently shaking their world. It's one of those moments we never see in a book, but that is part of the everyday fabric of the characters lives. I love writing these, and I hope you enjoy reading them.

If you're new to the Psy-Changeling series, this story features Lucas (alpha of the DarkRiver leopards and a man who shifts into a black panther in his animal form), and Sascha (Lucas's mate and a cardinal empath - she has the power to heal wounds of the heart, to take the most painful of emotions and neutralize them).

And of course, it includes the recently born Naya.

Grocery Shopping

by Nalini Singh

"We need to go grocery shopping."

Lucas looked up from where he was watching a football game on the comm screen, his feet up on the ottoman and a bottle of unopened beer in his hand. "You know," he said, solemn as a priest, "there's a spare mobile comm in the other room. If you enter what you want, they have this thing called delivery. Right to the edge of the pack's forested territory."

Sascha made a face at her gorgeous, infuriating mate with his deep black hair and vivid green eyes. "Why do you always torment me?"

His smile was feline. "Because your love of grocery shopping fascinates me." Swinging his feet off the ottoman, he put his beer aside with a loud sigh. "Didn't we just go last week? What do we need?"


Lucas gave a pointed look in the direction of the nursery—currently full of so many baby supplies courtesy of their packmates that he'd started talking about opening a store. "Diapers."

Bending over the bassinet she had on the table, where she could talk to Naya as she finished writing up her notes about a pack project, Sascha rubbed their baby's tiny nose. "Your father is making fun of us. What shall we do to him?"

"Since when does Naya like grocery shopping?"

"Since she was born." Melting as Naya's soft fingers closed over her own, she made those nonsensical mother sounds she'd never before understood, but now knew intimately. "She's my daughter, after all."

A growl from the panther she adored beyond life.

"Just because you're a telepath, don't think you can fool me. I know my girl has better sense. She likes football."

Sascha picked up the bassinet. "I'm going out to the car."

Muttering under his breath, Lucas got up. "I can't believe you're making me miss the rest of the game. It's the first one I've had time to watch live all season."

"Want to know the score? 5-2, the red team will win. Faith told me."

He narrowed his eyes at her mention of the gifted foreseer. "Very funny."

She grinned and leaned forward to kiss him. "You and Naya can watch the rest in the car. I'll drive."

Nipping at her lower lip for her impertinence, he took the baby from her. "Come on, princess. Let's go indulge your mother's strange fetish."

Sascha started up the car and waited while Lucas got into the passenger seat after securing the bassinet into the special seat in the back. He flicked on the small comm screen on his side, and reclined back to watch the game as she pulled out. It made her happy that she was about to head out to do something so mundane as grocery shop with her slightly surly mate while their baby slept in the back.

Lucas's mood was even darker by the time they arrived. His team (the red one) had lost.

Nuzzling a kiss to his neck when he bent down to get Naya, she drew in the warm, masculine scent of him. "I love you even when you're snarly."

He handed her Naya. "I'm going to need more petting after this expedition ends." A gleam in his eye that said he was going to take advantage.

Then again, Sascha wasn't averse to being taken advantage of by her mate. "I'll see what I can do." She snuggled their baby, kissing her sweet face as Lucas undid a few buttons on his shirt, before taking Naya back and placing her against his skin, his left hand almost totally covering her tiny back, his other one cradling her head.

Changelings almost always carried their babies so close, and Sascha thought it was wonderful. Their baby would never ever wonder if she was loved, wanted. Right now, Naya was wide awake and listening to her father's steady heartbeat, her little hand curled up on his skin, even as her mind touched Sascha's.

Even so small, Naya was as curious and as tactile as any feline changeling—but she was also showing signs of strong psychic abilities. What shape those abilities would ultimately take remained an open question, but there was no doubt in Sascha's mind that their daughter would grow into an extraordinary woman.

I'm here, sweet baby, she telepathed, her heart huge with love for her child and her mate both, then went for the hover cart.

Shifting his hold so he was supporting Naya with one muscled arm that likely barely felt her slight weight, Lucas said, "Give me that. You know the man controls the cart."

"Right, how could I forget that rule?"

Lucas growled at her again, but she saw the panther's amusement in his eyes.

Holding Naya safe and protected, he easily handled the cart as they walked down the aisles of the old-fashioned grocery store. Even though most people opted for delivery, there were enough that wanted the physical experience that boutique places like this thrived. Heading straight for the fresh goods aisle, she picked a small pumpkin, tapped the outside. "Lucas, does this sound right?"

Lucas murmured a response, but he was far more fascinated by Sascha than he was by the pumpkin. The stunning night-sky eyes that marked her as a cardinal dramatic against skin of dark honey, and ebony hair tumbling over her shoulders, she had such delight in the whole shopping process, wanted to touch and smell and feel everything. She was always the first to line up at the taste centers, often had long conversations with the produce manager about the best vegetables.

"Your mother," he whispered to Naya as Sascha frowned at a bunch of spinach, "is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

He felt a curious mental touch, knew it was his daughter. "Of course you're the prettiest girl." And a piece of his heart that existed outside his body. As it did with Sascha.

Sensing eyes on him, he looked up, saw another male with a baby cuddled to his chest. Lucas immediately identified him as a deer changeling named Theo, one of the more dominant bulls; as the alpha of the strongest predatory changeling group in San Francisco and the surrounding areas, it was Lucas's job to know these things.

Theo wandered over when their eyes connected. "Hey, Luc. I heard your mate had given birth. Little girl, right?"

"Yep. How's your boy?" Theo's child had been born a month or so before Naya.

"Laid back but stubborn." A proud grin. "According to my mate, he clearly takes after his father."

They stood there in companionable silence, watching the women. Even if Lucas hadn't already known, it would've been clear from their scents which family belonged to Theo: his mate, a slender woman with a sleek cap of black hair streaked with red and skin of deepest brown, held the hand of a pigtailed little girl. The two were in serious discussion over the grapes. Sascha smiled at the girl as she reached them, and a second later, they were all chatting away.

"Women," Theo said.

Lucas nodded. "Tell me about it." Then he grinned, having caught the twitch of the other man's lips. "How long do you think it'll take before they figure out we actually like doing this?"

"Hopefully never." Theo rubbed his son's back in a gentle motion. "Half the fun is in being coaxed to come along."

Naya made a 'pay attention to me' noise, so Lucas looked down and kissed the top of her head, while inside him, the panther batted its paw gently at its cub. "Shall we walk, pretty girl?"

At the same time, Theo bent to catch the hand of his daughter as she ran over to him, her face shy as she looked at Lucas. When he smiled, she gave him a little wave. Her father stroked his hand over her hair just as his mate called him over.

"See you again sometime, Luc."

Saying good-bye, Lucas walked across to Sascha. "Done?"

She scowled. "We just got here. Behave or I'll cook tonight."

"That's just mean." Tugging on an ebony curl, he sighed. "Fine, let's go get the diapers."

"We don't need diapers. We have enough to diaper the entire nursery school," Sascha muttered, moving on to the oranges. "Touch this, Lucas. I love how it feels."

He did, enjoying seeing the world through her eyes. Never, he thought, would Sascha lose her wonder in sensation, not after having been deprived of it for so very long. "You told me we needed to come out to buy diapers," he said with a straight face, realizing she'd forgotten her fib.

A pause. "Did I?" Smile innocent, she took his hand. "I think Naya wants you to talk to her."

His panther was impressed with her sneakiness. "You're a cat under that Psy skin, Sascha darling."

"Thank you."

Wrapping his arm around her, he dragged her close and claimed a kiss from his unrepentant mate. "I'll go get the cart. How many oranges do you want?"

A beaming smile that kicked him right in the heart, just as Naya's hand opened on his chest, a quiet second punch. And he knew he wanted to be nowhere else on this earth.

Copyright ©2014 by Nalini Singh

If you enjoyed this moment in time, and haven't yet read the story of how Lucas and Sascha first met, you can find an excerpt from Slave to Sensation on this page of the website.

Archangel's Shadows USA

Archangel's Shadows - North American Cover

Next Newsletter

The next newsletter will be out with the release of Rock Addiction, during the week of September 9th.

Until then, take care and happy reading. :-)


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