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Rock Addiction Now Out!

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Out Now!

Welcome to the September newsletter

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I'm so excited that Rock Addiction is now out!

A rock star, a librarian, and a one-night stand that changes everything - it's a very different book from me, but I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you all enjoy it!

Advance reviews have been coming in: some readers loved it to pieces, some didn't, while other readers can't wait to find out the secondary characters' stories. Regardless of whether you love it or not, I appreciate each and every one of you for giving something different from me a shot.

I have links to a ton of excerpts from Rock Addiction below, plus I've included an exclusive excerpt, as I want you all to have a good taste of the book!

In this newsletter, I also have:

♥ The blurb for Rock Courtship, the follow up novella, out September 30th. More on that below, but this hero is one of the sweetest I've ever written - he might even blush. And best of all, he's utterly, madly, absolutely in love with his heroine.

♥ Information about the Archangel's Shadows Advanced Reading Copy Contest.

♥ News about a signing I'll be doing in Melbourne, Australia.

♥ An update on my writing schedule, plus a sneak peek at Ash and Janvier's story.

♥ And last but not least, info on how you can access a special deleted scene from Rock Addiction.


Grab Rock Addiction

Ebook: iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, Nook

Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.au

Print: Amazon (Print edition will be available via other retailers soon! Keep an eye on the blog for updates as the order link goes live in various places).

Archangel s Shadows Medium

Writing Update and a Sneak Peek

Ashwini knew Janvier's charm could be lethal, but she didn't expect the bouncer to open the door at first sight.

"Wow," she said as they walked into the black-painted hallway lit with bluish lights that created deep pools of shadow, the sound of thumping music vibrating through the floorboards. "Are you a VIV?"


"Very Important Vampire."

"Mais oui, ma belle." Winking, he turned right and said, "Strip, sugar."

~ from Archangel's Shadows (Oct 28th)

I'm currently working on the next Psy-Changeling book. It features Aden, the leader of the Arrows - he's a quiet, intense, intelligent hero who keeps things close to his chest. But he's got more than one surprise up his sleeve.

His heroine is the only person it could be, the only person who fits him. I want to write my way deeper into the book before I tell you more about her, but this book is the culmination of the main story arc that has run throughout the series.

It also kicks off "Season 2" of the Psy-Changeling series. We get to meet new friends and old, changeling, Psy, and human alike.

I'm also looking forward to the release of Archangel's Shadows toward the end of October (excerpt in the next newsletter), and Night Shift later in the year. The latter anthology features a Psy-Changeling novella: the story of Mercy's brother, Bastien, and his mysterious mate.

UK Archangel s Shadows - Copy


At the end of Rock Addiction, there's a note about a free deleted scene that you can read in the Welcome newsletter.

As you're all already members of the newsletter group, you can access the Welcome newsletter at the link below. Please save it till AFTER you read Rock Addiction, as it's full of spoilerage!!

Link to Welcome newsletter with deleted scene from Rock Addiction

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Rock Courtship Coming Soon Medium

Out September 30th! Cover reveal: September 12th

ROCK COURTSHIP: A Rock Kiss Novella

Here's the blurb of, and link to the excerpt of the long novella that follows Rock Addiction! The cover reveal is happening on Friday September 12. If you're a blogger and you'd like to join up to participate in the cover reveal, you can do so here.

What happens when the Gentleman of Rock decides to play dirty?

A drummer for the hottest rock band on the planet, David has a single, powerful weakness: Thea, the band's publicist and the woman who steals his breath away with her every move.

Only problem is, Thea doesn't date clients—or musicians. Emotionally scarred by a cheating ex, she's not about to risk her heart with a man who has groupies buzzing around him like flies. Even if his sexy smile ties her up in knots.

What she doesn't know is that David is a one-woman man...and he's madly in love with her. David's determined to prove he's worth the risk, and willing to court her, step by exquisite step. Thea's about to discover just how long and hard this handsome drummer can play.

Read an excerpt!

Review copies available on NetGalley. Also, you'll be able to sign up for a review copy as part of the Rock Courtship blog tour. Keep an eye on my blog for the signup link.

Pfade Im Nebel PC 13 Sheild of Winter

Out Now!

Pfade Im Nebel Out Now!

The German edition of Shield of Winter is now available!

I hope you all enjoy Vasic and Ivy's story.

iBook, Kindle

Amazon.De, Thalia, Libri.De, Buch.De, Buecher.De

Archangel s Shadows ARC pic - Copy

Archangel's Shadows ARC Contest

If you'd like to go in the random draw to win one of 5 Advanced Reading/Review Copies of Archangel's Shadows, head on over to the blog for entry details. (Contest closes September 12th, 2014, 7pm New Zealand time.)

Rock Addiction cover - Copy

Exclusive Extra: Excerpt from Rock Addiction

Technical note: Some email programs may clip this newsletter, making it appear it ends in the middle of a sentence. If that happens, click this link and you'll be able to read it without problems in your browser.

Also, as always, since this a newsletter exclusive, please don't copy and paste this online. If you'd like to share it with friends, you can easily forward it using the "Forward to a Friend" link in the footer, or by using the Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest buttons at the top. Thanks!

I hope you enjoy this excerpt from ROCK ADDICTION – as this scene begins, Molly is seated on a bench inside her hallway, Fox hunkered down in front of her. If you'd like to read prior excerpts, you can find them at the following blogs (in chronological order):

Maryse's Book Blog
Natasha is a Bookjunkie
Vilma's Book Blog
Dear Author
Smexy Books
Heroes & Heartbreakers
The Rock Stars of Romance

And now, one more just for you all!

Excerpt from Rock Addiction

by Nalini Singh

Molly swallowed. Fox was right; she wanted him as much now as she had during the hours they'd spent tangled in the dark. But a single night she could justify. Anything longer threatened to take this beyond a moment of wildness and into far more perilous territory.

"One month," she whispered near soundlessly. "After that, you leave and never contact me again." It was a stipulation born of the pain inside her, a pain so old it had its own heartbeat, a dark heaviness that was a terrible ache.

"That's clear enough." A kiss on her jaw, the movement of his thumbs on the sensitive skin of her inner thighs radiating pleasure that pooled in the throbbing bundle of nerve endings between her legs.

"And," she rasped, "we're exclusive for that month."

His hands tightened on her flesh. "No one else, I promise." Another teasing, tormenting brush of his thumbs, the callused pads scraping erotically over her flesh. "Come here, baby." The seductive invitation in that whiskey-and-sin voice stole her will, threatened to destroy everything she'd worked for in life.

Dangerous, he was so dangerous. Still, she dipped her head that final inch and kissed him. Her control of the contact lasted approximately two seconds. Gripping her nape with one hand to hold her in position, Fox kissed her, not raw and deep as she'd expected, but with a slow attention that had her entire body aflame, the ring on his lip a hard accent. He slid his other hand higher up her leg at the same time, making her stomach flutter, her inner muscles clench.

"Such pretty, soft skin." It was spoken against her mouth, his lips curving in a smile as he licked playfully across her own. When she shivered, his eyes darkened, his kiss deeper but just as slow, as if this rock god had all the time in the world to kiss and caress Molly Webster. His hand gently squeezed her nape.

Warning bells clanged in her mind. It felt as if she were drowning, kiss by slow kiss, Fox coaxing her into deeper and deeper waters. "The bedroom—" she began on a slightly panicked breath.

Eyes lazy, hooded, he kissed away her words before glancing down at her legs. Her heartbeat was in her mouth as she watched him push up her skirt to expose the pale skin of her upper thighs.

"You make my mouth water." Lowering his head, he pressed a single wet kiss on the inner curve of her right thigh, his stubbled jaw rubbing against her flesh.

She clutched at his hair, the strands dark silk against her palms. "Fox, we—"

Shifting his grip to under her thighs, he pulled her forward on the bench, her hands falling to the leather seat cushion to brace herself as he altered her center of gravity. "Hmm," he murmured, the green of his gaze holding her own for a second that stole all the air in her lungs. "What's the rush, Molly Webster?" He bit down over the tendon in her neck.

Hands back in his hair, her fingers spasmed into a tighter hold, her breath a tremor.

"Bad Fox." Licking out, he soothed the sensual hurt with his tongue. "There, I'm behaving now."

She shuddered, surrendered under the gritty seduction of his voice, sought his mouth with hers. It was clear she wasn't the one setting the pace tonight, but she no longer cared. Not with Fox's strong body between her legs and his hands on her own, his kisses drugging her to a languorous pleasure that made her want to explore him as slowly as he was exploring her.

Groaning, Fox shifted one hand into her hair, unraveling the twist, but didn't take over this time. No, he let her kiss him, let her play with the lip ring that fascinated her. Molly felt oddly shy as she went to—

Her home phone rang.

She ignored it, her lower body melting at the way Fox continued to stroke his thumb over her skin as they kissed. No rush, no hurry, nothing but pleasure, her bones heavy with it.

The phone kept ringing.

And ringing.

Finally, the answering machine kicked in. Molly was a mass of helpless flesh by that point, couldn't have cared less who it was. But the worried female voice, familiar and beloved, intruded more effectively than a scream. Sudden panic slicing through the sensual haze, she pushed at the wide shoulders in front of her. "I have to get this."

Fox released her without argument after taking one look at her face, and she ran to grab the handset on the counter that separated her living area from the kitchenette. "Charlie, what's wrong?"

"Oh, you're home." Her friend's voice, a low whisper, broke on the last word. "I just…" A deep inhale. "There's someone else in the office, and there shouldn't be. I came back from the bathroom and heard them moving around."

"Leave," Molly said, her fingers rigid on the handset.

"No." Charlotte took another shaky breath. "It's probably only the building security guard doing an unscheduled round, but could you stay on the phone with me while I go check it out?"

Molly bit back her instinctive negative reaction to her friend's plan, knowing how important it was to Charlotte that she not crumble under the weight of what might be an imagined fear. "I'm right here."

Having circled to the other side of the counter, Fox, his expression grim, caught her eye and mouthed, Problem?

Maybe, she mouthed back, hoping she was wrong. That was when a scream sounded from the other end of the line, followed by a thud, as if the phone had hit the carpet. "Charlotte! Charlie!"

Scrabbling, rustling sounds, then Charlotte's voice, a little breathless and holding a taut tension. Not fear though; this was excruciating embarrassment. "I'm fine." A pause, a deeper voice murmuring in the background before Charlotte returned. "I just met my new boss," her best friend groaned into the phone. "Or more specifically, I threw an industrial-strength stapler at his head."

Knees trembling in relief, Molly braced her elbows on the counter as Fox reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear. Catching the intent lines of his expression, she touched his wrist, let him see everything was all right. He didn't know Charlotte, but he'd heard that scream, too.

Maybe she'd imagined the protective concern in his expression… No, she didn't think so. Every instinct she had said this man would never stand by while a woman was hurt. Neither would he ever hurt one.

Not physically.

Copyright ©2014 by Nalini Singh

Grab Rock Addiction

Ebook: iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, Nook

Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.au

Print: Amazon (Print edition will be available via other retailers soon! Keep an eye on the blog for updates as the order link goes live in various places).

Chasseuse de vampires  6 La Legion de l Archange - Copy

10 Septembre 2014

Chasseuse de vampires 6: La Légion de l'Archange

The French edition of Archangel's Legion will be out on the 10th!

Amazon.Fr, FNAC

Kindle, Kobo

Night Shift - Copy

November 25th (Worldwide)

Next Newsletter

The next newsletter will be out September 30th and will include an excerpt of Archangel's Shadows.

Until then, take care and happy reading. :-)


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